The boatyard
that your boat deserves
Boatyard for boat maintenance
Thanks to the Boatyard for boat maintenance, Darsena San Marco directly assists its customers in the routine and extraordinary maintenance of their boats.
Outdoor storage
Everything you need for sailing and motor boats
Boats are stored outdoors and thanks to a 40-ton travel lift , a 45-ton mobile crane and a 20-ton trailer , accommodation is guaranteed for both sailing and motor boats.
Not only the application of antifouling and polish of the topside, but with the help of affiliated professionals we also offer several integrated services for on-board equipment and instruments.

Maintenance works
Sail at your best with the hull in order
Great attention is paid to the maintenance of the hull, which must be in perfect conditions to sail at best.
During hauling, the underwater hull is washed with a high-pressure cleaner and in the most ‘severe’ cases it is first polished with a hand spatula.
Once it has been placed on the ground and dried, the bottom is sanded with a random orbital sander.
The primer is then applied where necessary and two coats of antifouling are applied to the hull.
In addition, as water line is a delicate point, an additional coat of product is applied.
Other services available
With a complete service we will never leave you alone
At Cantiere Nautico Darsena San Marco we offer many additional services for boat maintenance, including washing and polish of the sides and deck.
If the hull is made of teak, a complete treatment is carried out to restore it to its original brightness.
Thanks to the experience gained as the base boatyard of Adria Ship we can support all sailors with masting, change of rigging and halyards, or take care of the first fitting out of the boat.

Il tempo è prezioso
Alaggio e varo per barche fino a 5 mt. di larghezza
Il servizio di alaggio e varo è effettuato da personale esperto e formato mediante gru e travel lift.
L’accesso al bacino di carenaggio è possible per imbarcazioni fino a 5 mt di larghezza.
Inoltre per i natanti su carrello è previsto il servizio di alaggio e/o varo giornaliero con gru gommata da 45 ton. Serve ad offrire un servizio di qualità agli utenti che hanno un ormeggio presso un’altra struttura dell’Isola sprovvista di cantiere.
Le operazioni di alaggio e varo devono essere prenotate presso l’ufficio con un paio di giorni di anticipo rispetto alla data scelta.